
Searching online for valid nutrition information is a minefield. Don’t believe everything that you read, and don’t rely on gaining knowledge from only one source (even us!). Below are some of our recommended resources to improve your understanding of nutrition.

Red Pen Reviews

Have you ever read a nutrition or health book and wondered how trustworthy it is? Or, do you just want an overview of a book without dedicating hours of your time? Red Pen Reviews was created for this purpose: to publish the most informative reviews of nutrition and health books, free of charge. Every book is scored for scientific accuracy, reference accuracy, and healthfulness, by a team of experts. Both concise and detailed write-ups are provided to suit a range of audiences.

Please note that Shaun Ward, the founder of My Nutrition Science, is a contributor to Red Pen Reviews.

Alinea Nutrition

Alinea Nutrition focuses on levelling up the knowledge, skills, and confidence of science-based practitioners and students. Integrating a private community of nutrition enthusiasts where ‘any question goes’, the deep level of knowledge to gained from Alinea Nutrition is immeasurable. Alinea Nutrition consistently publishes research deep dives, exclusive articles, and video lectures to paid members.

Alan Aragon Research Review

Alan Aragon Research Review (AARR) was the first-ever monthly research review targeting a fitness audience. Typically covering 3-4 topics per month with clear and concise articles, often supported with practical recommendations, you’re guaranteed a steady flow of topic overviews and insights to the latest peer-reviewed literature. Alan has made numerous contributions to the scientific literature himself and has long been considered an expert in nutrition and its role in improving body composition and performance.

Please note that Shaun Ward, the founder of My Nutrition Science, has previously contributed to AARR.

Sigma Nutrition

Sigma Nutrition produces a range of objective and evidence-based content for those with a passion for nutrition science. To complement a library of both short- and long-form articles, the Sigma Nutrition Podcast regularly hosts experts and thought leaders in nutrition and behavioural sciences. Sigma Nutrition has also recently added a Premium Members section to access podcast study notes, and now runs in-person conferences.


Nick Hiebert is a slightly controversial figure among health enthusiasts—known for his verbal debates and zero tolerance attitude toward misinformation—but we believe he is a highly intelligent communicator of nutrition science. If you can handle a blunt and brutal approach to standing up against misinformation, you’ll probably find Nick to be insightful and amusing. Nick posts regularly on Twitter, Youtube, and has exclusive content on Patreon.

Please note that Nick does not have any formal science qualifications but is still, in our opinion, a trusted source of information, as evidenced by many personal interactions and the consistent quality of his work.